Thursday, July 19, 2007


We count a lot around here. Amado is pretty good up until 10, though he ditches cinco and nueve every once in a while.

Today, he was eating yogurt and started counting out his bites. He got to diez, and then had this little glimmer /travieso look in his eye that said "I bet thats all you thought I could do, huh, lady? Check this out!"

And then real non-chalant like, he said "once, doce, trece, paporse.."

Oh man, it was so cute, his "paporse". I started laughing, I couldnt help it, and he started cracking up, yogurt falling out of his mouth, like "I know, I shocked you with that one, huh?!"

Then he continuted, saying "diesiseis......" he trailed off, and then yelled, throwing his arms in the air "y no mas!"

So awesome. He is right - I didn't know he could count up to paporse, and then throw in a diesiseis for good measure. He was so proud, and also knew when he couldn't go any further, so he finished with a flourish.

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