Wednesday, February 28, 2007

no calle

We had an incident a couple weeks ago, I won't tell all the long details but it involved an enthusiastic Amado returning home from hanging out with Rory, a distracted Mama looking at the Valentine card he had made, and the street in front of our house.

In his excitement and with my distraction (yes, not my best parenting moment), Amado ran into the street, around the opposite side of the car. He wanted to say something to Lumina, who was still in her carseat. Rory yelled, I jumped and grabbed him hard (the way you would grab a kid who had just run into the street), he cried because he thought we were mad, the whole thing degenerated pretty quickly. Now mind you, he was never REALLY in danger - there were no cars coming - but you know, it was an emotional experience for him.

And here we are weeks later, and about 5-10 times a day, says "no calle", "no calle", while shaking his finger at the street.

So, a couple days ago, he was hanging out on the front porch and he sees Oso, who is the next door neighbor's dog, wandering outside of our place.

"Oso! Oso! Ven!" Amado calls. (except he says "Men")
Oso continues on.
"Oso, no calle. No calle".
His voice is calm, but clear. He is like, clearly this dog does not know that you are not supposed to be playing this close to the street.
He reached his little arm through the bars on our porch and is shaking his finger at Oso / the calle.
"Oso, ven. No calle. No calle."
So of course, Oso walks right into the middle of the street, crosses it, and heads up 63rd. He is walking away, and Amado is standing there watching him.
"Bye-bye, wow-wow" Amado says, and turns around and comes back in the house.

It was so funny because he basically washed his hands of the situation. He was like, I did what I could, but now this dog (no longer called by his proper name) is on his own.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Jason and Amado were laying on the living room floor coloring in one of his coloring books last night.
Amado looked up, studied Jason's picture, and said "Muy bien, papi" in this really sincere, honest, voice. It was really sweet - I guess he knows it feels good to have your art complimented, so he was returning the favor.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Kenji dice heiwa

We were reading his peace book again (we are always reading that book) and I turn to the page with Kenji on it.

I say "Kenji vive en-"
"Japon" says Amado.
What? Did he really just say Japon?
"Wow, Amado! Muy bien!"
He is clearly proud of himself, but looks a little amused that I am so surprised.
I keep reading.
"Kenji dice-"
"Heiwa" says Amado.

Man, how cool is that.

On another note, Amado has also recently picked up expressions that I didn't realize I use until well, they started being repeated to me.

We were making pizza the other night and Amado was distributing the goat cheese on the pizza. He would pinch a little off the block, and drop it on the pizza. Pinch a little bt off and eat some himself. Next pinch, pizza. Next pinch, in his mouth. Several minutes later its clear that this is not gonna work so I tell Amado that he has had enough for now, that he will eat more when he gets his slice of pizza after it comes out of the oven. "Oh, man!" he says. It probably doesnt sound that funny in writing, but its pretty halarious.