Tuesday, October 7, 2008

a balanced breakfast

We made pastelitos the other day with canned pumpkin, and had some left over, so last night we were discussing what we could do with it. I suggested we put it in his avena this morning, and we was thrilled by the idea. So this morning, it was the first thing on his mind.

I whipped it up real quick, set his avena in front of him and like I do every morning, went into the other room to start getting dressed. He called to me to come sit with him while he ate. He was really enjoying that pumpkin avena, and wanted to have some company. I told him that I needed to get myself together and then I would come sit with him. When I came to sit down, he said, "mami, tu no vas a comer?"

Now, I never eat breakfast with him. I usually grab a yogurt or an banana on the way out the door and eat when I get to work. But this morning, this struck him as particularly troublesome. "Mami, tu no vas a comer?"

I told him I would just grab an apple and eat it later.

"Oh, no, mami. Eso no es bastante. Tu necesitas comer algo con proteina. Algo como...avena....con calabasa....o....algo asi. Es muy importante, mami."

He popped another spoonful of his beloved avena in his mouth, and then slid the bowl across his little table to me. "Toma, mami. Este es para ti. Tiene proteina. Por favor, comelo".

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