Friday, May 29, 2009

talking to the baby

This morning, when we were laying in bed waking up, Amado said, "yo tengo una pregunta para el bebe".

I asked him what it is.

Then, he leaned down to my belly, and said "Baby? Cuando es tu cumpleanos?"

Then he put his ear down to see if he would get a response.

He stayed there for a long time, and I was wondering if he was gonna hear an answer.

"Solo puedo oir tus rinones" he said.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

according to amado, its a girl

We took Amado with us a couple weeks ago to the sonogram appointment. Last night, him and I were talking about the baby, and he pulled out this stuffed cow he has had since he was a baby.

"Esta vaca es para un bebe" he told me.

I asked him if he wanted to keep it for our baby. He does.

"Sabes, mami. Es una bebita. Una nina" he told me.

"Tu crees?" I asked.

"No creo. Yo se." he told me, with a smile.

"Como tu sabes?" I asked,

"Porque la vi, en la computadora. Yo vi su cara, y es nina. Que bueno porque eso es lo que yo queria. No podemos eligir, pero yo se - es nina."